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6 Real-Life Money Horror Stories

Let’s face it: money problems are scary. The thought of my hard-earned dollars disappearing overnight, or finding out my identity has been stolen and used to rack up thousands in debt, is enough to keep me awake at night. Yet, despite their fear factor, reading about real-life money horror stories is a great way to […]

The Cheapest Ways to Get Out of Debt

Most people in debt share a common goal: to pay it off quickly and save as much money as possible. No one wants to spend more than they have to. Fortunately, there are many different ways to get out of debt faster and for less money. Consider six of the cheapest ways to get out […]

What Is a Cash Advance?

Not having access to cash when you need it is stressful and inconvenient. A cash advance is a short-term cash loan made against an existing line of credit. An advance allows you to use your credit card to get cash from an ATM or bank. Just like any credit used on a credit card, a […]

What Is a Line of Credit?

A personal line of credit is very similar to a credit card. A lender will check your credit score, verify your income and issue you a credit line for a certain amount. With a line of credit, you can access the funds when you need them as long as you have an available balance.

Consumer Credit Explained

Consumer credit, also known as consumer debt, is any type of personal loan that is used by a consumer to pay for goods and services. If you need to buy a car, purchase a home, attend school, make a home improvement, or meet some other large expense you may consider taking on consumer credit debt.

Do You Have Too Much Debt? Calculate Debt-to-Income Ratio

Have debt? You’re not alone. 8 out of 10 Americans reported having some debt in 2020. Debt isn’t inherently bad, in fact, it can be a necessary tool to get an education. It can also help you build your credit and can be useful when you want to finance large purchases. However, the type and […]

6 Reasons You’re Stuck in Debt

Dealing with debt can be an incredibly scary and stressful experience, but it’s also a common struggle for many Americans. CNBC recently reported that the average American has $90,460 in overall debt, including credit cards, student debt, mortgages, and personal loans. You might be asking yourself, “If debt is such a big problem, then why […]

Wedding Debt: Why It’s Not Worth It and How To Avoid It

For many couples, weddings are the biggest celebration they’ll plan in their lifetime. Between choosing the venue, bridal party, clothes, food, decorations, food and entertainment, it’s normal to feel excited and overwhelmed at the same time. Unfortunately, many couples also find themselves stressed and uncertain as they try to figure out how to foot the […]

What is Pay-for-Delete?

“Pay-for-delete” is an unpredictable credit recovery practice and does not work 100% of the time. The process involves requesting the removal of a derogatory item from your credit report. It often involves paying a debt collector some or all of what is owed. People sometimes hire third parties who promise to work with debt collectors […]